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Body x Velo Med Spa


Morpheus8 Body is a safe and effective minimally invasive modular radio frequency fractionasolution for body subnormal adipose (fat) remodeling.


Lift & tighten your skin, minimize stretch marks and melt fat with Morpheus 8 Body. this state-of-the-art technology is a fractional skin tightening treatment that stimulates collage production of the underlying layers of the dermis. By targeting the subnormal layers of the skin, tissues of the arms, belly, and thighs can be remodeled to reveal a smoother, tighter, and more sculpted appearance. This patented bi-polar technology along with the level of depth we can reach, is what makes Morpheus8 Body the industry’s gold standard!


How it works:

Equipped with “Burst Mode” technology, Morpheus8 Body automatically delivers radiofrequency (RF) energy to multiple depths in a single pulse through its gold-plated microneedles. The ability to target tissue at three different levels in millisecond intervals allows for a significant reduction in treatment time, minimizes skin injury, increases uniformity, and enables customized full-body procedures. The Morpheus8 Body system is effective for skin tightening, fat-melting, and treating cellulite and sagging skin.


Recovery minimal:

Immediately after treatment, you will experience erythema (redness) for 3-7 days. However, for more aggressive treatments, this may last longer. Slight to moderate swelling and a mild sunburn sensation are also common post treatment and may last 3-7 days. In some cases, bruising may occur. Skin may crust and peel depending on the patient and treatment settings. In most cases, you will experience itching as the area heals. Specific aftercare instructions will be given to the patient the day of the appointment.

Key Benefits:

Equipped with advanced settings, Morpheus8 automatically deploys bipolar radio frequency energy to multi-level treatment depths in a single treatment.

Morpheus8 delivers the deepest fractional treatments available, penetrating sub-dermal tissue up to 3mm.

The ability to target tissue sequentially at three levels, in millisecond intervals, allows for a significant reduction in treatment times, minimizes skin injury, increases treatment uniformity, and enables customized full body fractional procedures.


Patented fractional tips with different microneedle configurations allow us to customize the body treatments in order to reach specific goals.

Morpheus8 Body can reduce unwanted volume (or fat), minimize stretch marks, improve skin texture, lift and tighten skin.


Frequently Asked Questions


How many treatments will I need?

We require a 3-6 treatment plan to achieve optimal results. 


How quickly will I see results?

You will begin to see results 2-4 weeks post-procedure however, improvements can be expected 6-12 months after your last treatment! 


Can MORPHEUS8 be combined with other treatments? 

Yes! We recommend getting a body (PRX) peel a week prior to your appointment in order to remove dead skin, dirt and oils. 


Will Morpheus8 combined with PRP enhance results?

Yes, absolutely! Adding PRP to your Morpheus8 procedure will enhance results through growth factors found in your natural serum. Also, collagen production is multiplied with PRP  and it will decrease downtime with antibodies. 

What is the downtime?

Patients can expect redness and swelling for 24-48 hours post-procedure. In some cases, bruising can occur. No sun, sweating, masks, or makeup for 48 hours. It is common to see micro lesions a few days after treatment and slight redness for up to 1 week depending on treatment parameters. 


What is the aftercare protocol?

Patients should moisturize the treatment area with products recommended by their specialists and avoid direct sun exposure. It is crucial that patients use Skinbetter sunscreen every day. In addition to reducing their future risk of skin cancer, sunscreens also reduce wrinkles and slow the aging process.

Before & After




A hair removal solution offering peak power with optimal speed. Designed with state-of-the-art diode lasers, the DiolazeXL offers patients the most effective hair removal treatment. DiolazeXL has built-in safeguards to ensure that all sessions are comfortable and relatively pain-free. DiolazeXL targets coarse and stubborn hair, up to skin type VI.



  • Gold standard wavelength, pulsing and power for optimal results and maximal safety.

  • Reduction in clinician treatment time – powerful enough to target and treat even the most stubborn hair.

  • Virtually painless due to strong built in cooling.

  • Can treat up to skin type VI.

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What can it treat?

  • Facial Hair 

DiolazeXL is a safe and convenient solution for addressing unwanted facial hair such as sideburns or chin hair.


  • Body Hair

The large treatment surface of the DiolazeXL handpiece enables an easy and fast process for the removal of unwanted hair from large areas such as the back, chest, stomach and legs.



DiolazeXL targets the root of the problem by delivering maximum power to a large treatment area without compromising efficiency. Our packages include 6-8 sessions.

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